Zoie Lam is an artist based in Hong Kong. As the creator of the imaginary planet Zlism, she details a world with all its residents and happenings. Positive energy oozes out from the kind-hearted characters as they come alive under her pen, all with fascinating stories unfolding in one painting after another. “ZL” is the initial of Zoie Lam while “LISM” stands for her philosophy and ideas. Through her drawings, Zoie would like to express her ideas on different social phenomena.

Most of the artworks by Zoie Lam appear as a dense and intricate tapestry of patterns juxtaposed with vivid colours – a remarkable visual contrast for a signature style that sets Lam apart from the rest. Choosing acrylic paint and wool yarn, and occasionally oil-based marker and technical drawing pen for black-and-white effect, Lam always fills her stylistic paintings in brilliant hues and and flourescent colours. All details are completed with refined brushstrokes and delicate lines under the fine pen tip. The canvas is then topped with hand-knitted finishing touches. Another favourite art form of her’s is mural painting, which includes walls of shops and impromptu painting alongside real-time animation and performance. She has been invited to showcase her art at Busan Art Fair, Affordable Art Fair and Asia Contemporary Art Fair. Zoie has also worked with different institutions and companies including various schools, HK Arts Development Council, Haven of Hope Hospital, CR2 903, Harbour City, Elements, PMQ, Vans, and others.

Zoie Lam是一位香港藝術家。她幻想出一個名為Zlism的星球,並細節化Zlism世界中的棲息者及發生的事情。她筆下描繪出的善良主角,散發著滿滿的正能量,畫作之間緊密關聯,訴說著引人入勝的故事。ZL是Zoie Lam名字的首字母縮寫,而「LISM」則象徵著她的人生哲學及想法。通過她的畫作,Zoie希望針對不同的社會現象表達她的看法。

Zoie Lam的大部分作品,都以密實而複雜的壁毯形式呈現,其上並列的圖案顏色鮮豔,造成明顯的視覺對比,這是她的作品出眾的標誌性風格。選用塑膠彩及羊毛冷線為主,間或採用油性麥克筆及繪圖線筆以突出黑白效果,Zoie總是為畫作塗上明亮的色彩,更使用了螢光色。所有細節,都在她精巧的筆觸及筆尖之下細緻的線條襯托之中,完美呈現。最後的一步工序,則是在畫布之上鋪上手工編織的冷線。她鍾情的另一藝術手法,則是壁畫創作,包括店舖牆身的畫作及隨著現場動畫或表演而即興創作。她曾受邀至釜山藝術博覽會、Affordable Art Fair、亞洲當代藝術展、台灣誠品書店等展出作品,更與不同的機構或公司合作推廣藝術及創意,包括香港藝術發展局、靈實醫院、叱吒903、海港城、圓方、元創方、Vans 等等。


2021 Festival Partners藝術節合作夥伴

Also supported by WKCDA Arts Relief Scheme 2020 and the Sai Kung District Community Centre

西貢區社區中心與西九文化區管理局藝術紓困計劃2020 資助