Kristopher Ho, Hong Kong based artist and illustrator. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Blackpool, UK. Graduated from Graphic design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, specialised in illustration. Started his career as an independent artist in Hong Kong since 2012, and has been working across both independent and commercial platforms. Since 2015 he has been especially active within the Street art community and has been participating in various street art festivals such POWWOW and HKWALLS. Well known for his monochromatic and highly intricate murals and illustrations. His work has been described as both being impactful with his strokes yet also filled with intricate details. Markers has mainly been his tool of choice for both his murals and illustrations. Clients include: NIKE, Facebook, Starbucks, ACRONYM, Audi, Tiger Beer, Redbull, HSBC, VANS and more.
Kristopher Ho是香港的藝術家和插畫家。他出生於香港,在英國長大,畢業於中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院,主修平面設計和插畫。 他從2012年起便開始了他的藝術生涯並為各商業平台工作。自 2015 年以來,他特別專注於街頭藝術,並參加了各種街頭藝術節,如 POWWOW 和 HKWALLS。 他的壁畫和插圖作品以單色和錯綜複雜的設計聞名。他的藝術作品線條縱橫交錯,筆觸極具感染力。馬克筆是他用來創作壁畫和插圖的首選工具。Kristopher Ho合作過的商戶包括NIKE、Facebook、Starbucks、ACRONYM、Audi、Tiger Beer、Redbull、HSBC、VANS 等。