Honduran-Hongkongese and American-born, Carol Bellese Choi is a painter based in Hong Kong. Her body of work is an exploration of art forms including murals, paintings, illustrations and comics. Coming from an eclectic background, the celebration of identity is becoming an important theme in her work, always with a dash of humour. Scenes from her comic strip Corona Chronicles HK, drawn during her two-week confinement at a government run quarantine camp at the start of the pandemic in March 2019, have been featured in the South China Morning Post and Hashtag Legend.
Carol is Co-Founder of online art prints shop On Paper Lab, where she creates digital and mixed media artworks to be sold as prints. In 2016 she joined the celebrated wall decor atelier Elsa Jeandedieu Studio, where she is currently a painter.
Carol 是一位香港和洪都拉斯的混血兒並出生於美過,她現時定居於香港。她的作品包括壁畫、繪畫、插圖和漫畫。 她的作品特色不拘一格,大部分主題環繞自我肯定並帶有一絲幽默感。在 2019 年 3 月新型冠狀病毒爆發開始時,她在隔離的兩週期間繪製了漫畫《Corona Chronicles HK》,於南華早報刊登並被標記為傳奇之作。
Carol 是線上藝術商店 On Paper Lab 的聯合創始人,商品種類包括電子和混合媒體印刷品。她在2016年加入了著名的牆壁裝飾工作室 Elsa Jeandedieu Studio,現時她是一名畫家。
For Carol’s mural, she wanted to create something “easy on the eyes” while vibrant and colorful as it is located in an alleyway. With that in mind, Carol also incorporated very personal elements. The sunflower reminds her just like young sunflowers follow the sunlight to grow, she is always looking for light and humor in every situation. The word “grateful” is painted over the flowers, it reminds her to practice being grateful every day and she hopes to infuse people with uplifting and encouraging ideas as they pass by.
對於 Carol 的壁畫,她想創造一些“令人賞心悅目”的東西,同時又因為它位於小巷中而充滿活力和色彩。考慮到這一點,卡羅爾還融入了非常個性化的元素。向日葵提醒她,就像年輕的向日葵跟隨陽光生長一樣,她總是在任何情況下尋找光明和幽默。花上畫著“感恩”二字,提醒她每天都要練習感恩,她希望在路過的人身上註入令人振奮和鼓舞人心的想法。