Law Ho Kwong,Bo. Born in Hong Kong, Hong Kong‐based illustrator. Engaged in illustration and mural painting.
Bo is always inspired by the living environment around him and subsequently, the subject of his paintings often features and focuses on projecting the cityscape of Hong Kong.
Clients include: HKMOA, HSBC , Hang Seng bank, Pocari Sweat, Sino Group, Labconcept and more.
羅浩光,Bo,出生於香港,其創作包括插畫、壁畫。Bo風格偏好圍繞空間,以想像去探究城市景觀。合作過的機構包括:KMOA, HSBC , Hang Seng bank, Pocari Sweat, Sino Group, Labconcept等。
Bo Law decided to try out a new kind of composition. His usual creations are densely populated, overwhelming details, and often in black and white. For this mural, he wanted a calm and spacious composition executed in quiet colors, with a whale swooping into the piece. To him, the whale signifies hope and freedom and he hopes that people would feel a wave of calm as they pass by.