HKwalls 2021 street art and mural festival took place 8-16 May, 2021, in the lovely and welcoming seaside town of Sai Kung! The festival featured 22 Hong Kong based artists, resulting in 22 new public works of art.
8 May to 6 June we will also be hosting our first ever thematic exhibition titled Tools of the Trade which was an attempt to frame the history of street art and graffiti through the tools artists use to create their work. Scroll down to learn more!
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HKwalls 2021街頭藝術和壁畫節於2021年5月8日至16日在美麗宜人的海濱小鎮西貢舉行!藝術節邀請了22位香港藝術家,創作了22件新的公共藝術作品。
5月8日至6月6日,我們還將舉辦名為“Tools of the Trade”的首個主題展覽,該展覽試圖通過藝術家用來創作作品的工具來描繪街頭藝術和塗鴉的歷史。拉向下以了解更多信息!

Artist Bao painting in Sai Kung.
8 May – 6 June, 2021
Tools of the Trade frames the history of street art and graffiti through the lens of the tools that artists use to create their work. Dating back to the mid 1950s and up to today, the exhibition includes everything from markers, spray cans and stickers, to DIY mops, stencils, stamps, paste ups, and fire extinguishers, to more technological tools like drones and laser guided projection. It is an attempt to highlight the wide range of tools used throughout history, their evolution, and the ingenuity of the artists that make and use them.
Tools of the Trade 塗鴉工具展透過藝術家的視角,呈現並展出街頭藝術及塗鴉的歷史。 本展覽展出從50年代至今所有關於街頭藝術和塗鴉的工具。 當中有箱頭筆,噴漆,貼紙,自製工具,模板,蓋章,海報,改良式滅火筒,到涉及科技的無人機和雷射投影器等等。 希望以展示部分街頭藝術與塗鴉歷史中大眾和有趣的工具,從而突出街頭藝術家在時代的變遷及進步中如何演化出獨特的技巧與個性。