The GREAT Festival of Innovation was a 4-day exhibition to showcase the UK’s innovation and technology to the world. Designing the whole environment and audience experience, they also created and programmed a series of thought-provoking and lively keynotes, masterclasses, showcases, installations and performances involving industry leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, educationalists and futurologists to an audience from the UK, Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea and the wider region.

Commissioned by the Festival to create a piece of art work that represents both Hong Kong and the UK, HKwalls curated a canvas work made by local artist Wong Ting Fung. The resultant artwork is easily recognizable as it features Ting Fung’s unique black and white ink style. The lion depicted is an amalgamation of two stylistically different lions, juxtaposing how the animal is portrayed differently in English and Chinese culture.

The GREAT Festival of Innovation 是一個為期 4 天的展覽,旨在向世界展示英國的創新觀念和工業技術。除了通過整體環境和觀眾體驗設計,他們也為來自英國、香港、中國、日本、韓國以及更廣泛的地區的行業領袖、企業家、藝術家、教育家、未來學家和觀眾,構思和安排了一系列發人深省、生動的主題演講、大師班、展覽、裝置藝術和表演

HKwalls The GREAT Festival 委託創作了一件代表香港和英國的藝術作品,我們策劃並聯絡本地藝術家黃鼎豐創作一件畫布作品。 這件藝術品很容易辨識,因為它具有黃鼎豐獨特的黑白水墨風格。 畫面所描繪的獅子是融合兩種不同的風格,展示了英式與中式文化中對動物的不同表現形式。