House of Vans ART MAZE
House of Vans 2017 Asia Tour finished in Hong Kong with a bang! Touching down in the heart of the city at the Central Harborfront Event Space, with Victoria Harbor and the lights of Central’s skyscrapers as a backdrop, Vans brought a packed two-day carnival of skate, music, art and street culture to the crowds through the “Off the Wall” spirit.
The arts are one of the fundamental pillars of House of Vans, and is key to its mission is to bring out artistic talents from a range of different fields and regions. So for 2017, Vans invited HKWALLS to curate and collaborate with Write the Future graffiti shop on a huge art maze featuring some of the city’s foremost talents.
House of Vans 2017 亞洲巡演香港站圓滿落幕! Vans 在位於市區心臟的中環海濱活動空間,以維多利亞港和中環的摩天大樓的夜燈為背景,為觀眾帶來了為期兩天的滑板、音樂、藝術和街頭文化的嘉年華,體現 “Off the Wall” 精神。
藝術是 House of Vans 的支柱之一,是實現培養來自不同領域和地區的藝術人才使命的關鍵。因此在2017 年,Vans 邀請了 HKWALLS 與塗鴉店 Write the Future 共同合作策劃,匯集了香港最頂尖的藝術人才,打造一個巨大的藝術迷宮。

Hong Kong local graffiti artist.
Painting since 2005.
From 2005-2013 he focused on lettering design .
Between 2014 and 2016, he began creating different cartoon characters with powerful outlines.

EDGE是來自美國波士頓的居港藝術家。 他的塗鴉創作受波士頓和紐約市的影響 。 經過10年招牌繪畫創作的工作後, 現時是玩具 公司的平面設計總監和負責產品開發。 EDGE多才多藝, 創作從商業到街道上。
EDGE is a Hong Kong Based Artist. Originating from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. His work was influenced by Boston and New York City Graffiti.
Edge worked in the sign trade for 10 years before changing professions. He is currently working in the toy industry as Graphic Director and Product Developer.
Edge’s style can be versatile. From commercial to street.

Essahqi,1991年出生,是一個香港壁畫藝術家,她的美學結合自然形態和人工元素 。專注於單色細密線條繪畫和噴漆作品,經常探索多層抽象結構,創造出一種由熟悉環境和陌生的氛圍所啟發的想像。簡單化,垂直定向的格式是對傳統漢字的當代回應, 以非傳統的手法保留中式書法的流動性。
Essahqi, born in 1991, is a Hong Kong-based mural artist with an aesthetic combining dynamic natural forms and artificial elements. With a focus on monochromatic fine line drawings and spray paintings, she often explores multilayered abstract structures to create an imaginary, unfamiliar atmosphere inspired by personal documentations of familiar surroundings. The simplistic, vertically orientated forms are a response to the form of Chinese characters, retaining the fluidity of calligraphy in a non-traditional urban approach.

Hamp。一位香港本地塗鴉藝術家。 自2010年開始接觸塗鴉藝術,至今仍積極進行創作活動。 由早期重視複雜的字體去表現對技巧的發揮,再慢慢把字體簡單化 的同時以色彩及線條突顯個人風格。直至近年開始,嘗試把卡通人物 放到牆壁上,把自己日常的喜好融合塗鴉藝術中讓兩者成為彼此的一部份。
Hamp, a graffiti artist from Hong Kong. He started graffiti painting in 2010, and is still active in the in scene. His early work emphasised on complex fonts design to show his techniques, he then slowly evolves his style to a simpler format to highlight colors and lines. Recently, his work involves cartoon characters, integrating his interests into graffiti art.

OBSRVR is an Earth based street artist, influencer, and social commentator driven by the stupidity found in the world around us. It is rumored that OBSRVR is the love child of YUMOH and an unknown partner, and at a young age barely escaped the clutches of XEME, a graffiti legend and known baby eater. Throughout his career, OBSRVR claims to have had interactions with various prominent politicians, resulting in the contraction of numerous sexually transmitted diseases and explosive diarrhea.

香港街頭藝術組合ParentsParents 於2012成立, 四位成員涉獵於塗鴉,字體設計及插畫。曾跟不同品牌到不同地方參與藝術創作,作品媒體由大型戶外塗鴉、 餐廳/酒店壁畫、裝置藝術、聯名産品到平面設計等。 ParentsParents 的作品嘗試於城市的混亂中探索,以尋找出奇怪不尋常的圖像。
ParentsParents is a creative group established in 2012 in Hong Kong. The collective consists of people from graffiti, typography and illustration. They have been working with various brands for mural design, indoor painting, installation, collaborated collection and graphic design. ParentsParents find inspiration from the chaotic city and seek out unusual imageries.

Xeme是香港本土塗鴉藝術家。從他2001年進入塗鴉世界開始,他的創作主要圍繞著文字及圖形。 鐘愛中華文化的他,總是在作品中加入中國元素。同時,無論在手法、風格或是材質方面,他都嘗試打破固有規則,把傳統和當代藝術融為一體。
XEME is a Hong Kong based graffiti artist. XEME started painting graffiti in 2001 and since then his work has primarily been dedicated to letters and shapes. Fascinated by the Chinese culture, he always adds Chinese elements into his work. At the same time, whether in method, style or medium, XEME tries to break conservative rules by mixing traditional and contemporary arts together.
Currently, Xeme is combining Chinese calligraphy with geometric shapes and patterns to form a new spectrum of artworks.