Lee Gardens Art Fest: Art Too
‘Art’ lives in every corner of Lee Gardens, inviting passersby to be surrounded by its spirit. ‘Too’ speaks to both togetherness and tools – the shared instruments of creativity that turn observers into creators. HKWALLS has collaborated with Hysan to offer the public a captivating variety of art and cultural experiences throughout the festival.
「Art」存在於利園的每個角落,路人無不被它的精神所感染。 「Too」有「團結」的意思,亦指「工具」(Tool) ──── 兩者合一併發創意,將各位觀看者轉化為創造者。HKWALLS與希慎興業在藝術節期間共同為公眾提供了豐富多彩的文化和藝術體驗。

100 Years of Lee Gardens
For a century, Lee Gardens has been the venue where art and culture touch lives and memories are made. From the Bei Shan Poets Society flourishing in a taipan house with over 130 literary members, to the glamorous era of Lee Theatre hosting world-class performances and beauty pageants, our artistic spirit has evolved across generations.
Today, as Hysan Development celebrates Lee Gardens’ 100th anniversary with the ‘Art Too’ festival alongside HKWALLS, that creative spirit lives on through vibrant murals and artistic spaces. Each artwork tells a story of transformation, celebrating the community that has made Lee Gardens a cultural home for generations. As they enter their next century, we look forward to creating tomorrow’s memories in this garden of joy.
Date: 22/11 (Fri) — 1/12/24 (Sun) (Closed 25-26/11 Mon & Tue)
Time: 12:00 — 20:00
Address: 5 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay (opposite to Lee Theatre) MAP
時至今日,在希慎興業與HKWALLS攜手舉辦了利園百週年慶「Art Too」藝術節,令這種創意精神透過充滿活力的壁畫和藝術空間而得以延續。為此而誕生的每件藝術品都講述了一個關於「轉變」的故事,頌揚利園內薪火相傳、豐富多樣的本地社區文化。我們在這個樂園歡聚,創造明日的回憶,共同迎接下一個世紀。
開放時間:22/11 — 1/12,12:00 — 20:00 (25 – 26/11休息)
地址:銅鑼灣霎東街5號 (利舞臺對面)地圖
Pop-ups and Events 展覽及活動

Tools of the Trade Exhibition
Tools of the Trade (TOTT) frames the history of street art and graffiti through the lens of the tools that artists use to create their work. It is an attempt to highlight the wide range of tools used throughout street art history, their evolution, and the ingenuity of the artists that make and use them. Art Too’s TOTT Pop-up was a special edition of TOTT that recreates the studio spaces of the 3 featured artists of the Art Too celebration; giving the audience a more intimate view of the conditions and environments surrounding the artists and their unique artistic styles.
Tools of the Trade (TOTT) 塗鴉工具展以藝術工具的發展,呈現街頭藝術及塗鴉的歷史。 我們希望展示塗鴉歷史中有趣而大眾化的工具,從而突出街頭藝術家在時代變遷中如何演化出獨特的技巧與個性。Art Too 的 TOTT Pop-up 是該塗鴉工具展的特別版本,當中再現了 Art Too 藝術節的 3 位特色藝術家的工作室空間;讓觀眾近距離地了解藝術家身處的環境以及他們獨特的藝術風格。

Murals & Street Interventions
Artwork Locations
- Katol: Art Too Pop-Up, 5 Sharp Street East
- Wong Ting Fung: Urban Sky lobby, 9/F Hysan Place
- Spenser Little: Around Lee Gardens
- Katol: Art Too Pop-Up 銅鑼灣霎東街5號
- 黃鼎豐: 希慎廣場9樓Urban Sky
- Spenser Little: 利園區

Live Art Demonstration
An exclusive peek behind the scenes at Art Too’s Tools of the Trade exhibition, the live demonstration featured the incredible talents of Katol Lo, Spenser Little, and Wong Ting Fung. Audience members got to see their creative processes up close, ask questions, and engage in meaningful conversations about their art.
在 Art Too Tools of the Trade 展覽中,邀請到合作藝術家 Katol Lo、Spenser Little和 黃鼎豐為現場示範!參與者得以近距離觀察他們創作過程,並與他們展開有趣的藝術對話。

Street Art Guided Tours
Participants got to see the rich history surrounding Hysan and Lee Gardens, enriched by the newest murals and site-specific installations our artists created during the event. The tours were free and held bilingually.
利園/銅鑼灣區導賞團的參與者透過參觀特約藝術家 Spenser Little、Katol 和黃鼎豐在指定地點創作的全新壁畫和裝置藝術,得以深度了解利園和銅鑼灣周邊的豐富歷史。導覽團分別以英語以及粵語進行,費用全免。

Wire Art Masterclass by Spenser Little
Using the sky and streets as a canvas, American artist Spenser Little guided participants in wire art creation by transforming simple wire through cutting and bending techniques to create their names and other imagery.
Spenser Little 在工作坊中教導參與者,如何以天空和街道為畫布,透過切割和彎曲等手藝來改造簡單的鋼絲,拼出自己的名字。

Lettering and Sign Painting Masterclass by KATOL
Katol, a renowned graphic artist, taught participants how to paint traditional signage through hands-on exploration of sign painting. They learnt the art of lettering and brushwork techniques and created their own sign on an A3 paper.

Deconstructing Text and Visualising Characters Masterclass by Wong Ting Fung
Participants learnt how to deconstruct Chinese characters by cutting and rearranging the strokes, lines, and dots into a unique piece of art, highlighting the complexity of Chinese words and the beauty of their composition.