六合彩 | MARK6
was a pop-up exhibition featuring six Hong Kong artists, who conceived large scale, immersive works of art in the ground floor space at Yat Fu Lane. Each artist took over a fragment of the space, creating work that traverses floor, wall and ceiling, producing micro-environments that envelop the spectator.
六合彩 or MARK6, typically refers to the Hong Kong lottery but when broken down means “six, together, color” giving an alternative meaning to the name and highlighting where we choose to place our bets.
六合彩通常指香港彩票,當分開拆解後,意思是 「
Check out the making of video from our partners District15 & Yat Fu Lane.
Video produced by Alex Timelapse.

Bao Ho
Bao is a Hong Kong born and based artist who has become known for her freestyle murals and illustrations. Shortly after launching her career in 2015, Bao was quickly recognized for her talent, collaborating with various international brands, and taking home the title of Champion of Secret Walls Hong Kong, Series 3. Bao’s has travelled across the world creating artwork in Australia, Taiwan, China, Japan, Indonesia, Italy and Czech Republic.
Bao Ho (阿包)是土生土長的香港藝術家,喜愛在牆身上進行自由繪畫及插畫創作。2015年開始創作生涯的她,短短時間內就已經與不同的國際品牌合作,更是第三屆香港Secret Walls的冠軍。Bao曾遊歷到世界不同的地方進行藝術創作,包括澳洲、台灣、中國內地、日本、印尼、意大利及捷克等等。

a.k.a. Kristopher Ho, was born in Hong Kong in 1986 and moved to Blackpool, UK at age 12. Kristopher returned to Hong Kong after graduating from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in 2009.
Focused in the realm of detailed illustrations and murals, Kristopher’s work ranges from sophisticated whimsical landscapes to monochromatic, abstract creatures of imagination, illustrating objects with delicate intricacy, and inviting the viewers to rediscover the possibilities of work made with the simplest tools: marker and paper. Kristopher’s work can be divided into two categories: “HOME” and “SELF”. “HOME” focuses on whimsical illustrations and murals of imaginary houses and landscapes, while being playful and uplifting. “SELF” shows a darker side, a deep exploration and rediscovery of personal space and individual existence. “HOME” and “SELF” are the manifestations of Kristopher as an artist, an illustrator and human being.
KristopherH又名 Kristopher Ho。1986年生於香港。他12歲時搬到英國Blackpool,並於2009年畢業於倫敦的中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院。

Onion Peterman
Onion Peterman, graduated from The Academy of Visual Art of Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012 and currently lives and works in Hong Kong. Onion has exhibited in solo and group shows in both Hong Kong and Korea. Onion Peterman is also a prolific zine publisher, from which she has generated a strong following.
Onion Peterman,2012年畢業於浸會大學視覺藝術院,現居港進行藝術創作。她曾參與香港及韓國的多個個展或聯展,亦是一位作品豐富的獨立雜誌出版人,備受關注。

Sinic Choy
SINIC, a Hong Kong-born graffiti and street artist, started his career in 2003. After 10 years with unique understanding and experience in graffiti and street art, SINIC has become unfettered by the frame of American-style graffiti and has established his own distinct personal style.
As a professional artist and event organiser, SINIC has contributed substantially to the exposure of Asian graffiti on the international stage. SINIC created Wall Lords, the top street art and graffiti event in Asia at the time, featuring the most influential graffiti artists from all over the world participating. SINIC was also on the team that produced INVASIAN, an Asian focused graffiti magazine, and 1AGN a sub-culture guidebook, both of which were sold globally.
In recent years, SINIC’s projects have won global recognition, leading to his invitation to events around the world. “On The Road,” a documentary series followed him and his crew-mates while they painted their way from Yunnan to Tibet over 50 days. This film was the first of its kind in the realm of Chinese graffiti documentaries. For SINIC, traveling inspires a deeper level in his art, closer to spiritual practice, rather than a pure quest of visual art. To this day, SINIC is still trying to experience “heart-quakes” through constant travel.
作為職業藝術家兼活動策劃者,SINIC先後策劃及參與各大型有關街頭文化的創作及展覽,發動了「戰牆」亞洲塗鴉比賽,邀請全球最具影響力的塗鴉藝術家一同參與,成為當時亞洲首屈一指的街頭活動。同年參與製作 INVASIAN 亞洲塗鴉雜誌及1AGN次文化指南行銷全球,其中染指短片製作、平面設計、品牌開發等多元發展,令亞洲塗鴉得到國際性的曝光,影響深遠。

Wong Ting Fung
Wong Ting Fung has been working in the advertising and design industry for more than 10 years; this experience has affected his creative inspiration and is evident in his work. Wong Ting Fung’s primarily black and white collage of illustration, graphic design and lettering, depict the absurdity and contradiction in life, and take inspiration from variety and the multiple layers of emotion.
黃鼎豐在廣告及設計公司任職超過十年,這經歷亦影響了他的創作靈感。他的作品以黑白為主,多數利用畫筆創作,風格融合了插畫、平面設計及藝術字體,描繪出生活中的荒誕矛盾之處,以及層次豐富和變化多端的情緒 。

Xeme是香港本土塗鴉藝術家。從他2001年進入塗鴉世界開始,他的創作主要圍繞著文字及圖形。 鐘愛中華文化的他,總是在作品中加入中國元素。同時,無論在手法、風格或是材質方面,他都嘗試打破固有規則,把傳統和當代藝術融為一體。
XEME is a Hong Kong based graffiti artist. XEME started painting graffiti in 2001 and since then his work has primarily been dedicated to letters and shapes. Fascinated by the Chinese culture, he always adds Chinese elements into his work. At the same time, whether in method, style or medium, XEME tries to break conservative rules by mixing traditional and contemporary arts together.
Currently, Xeme is combining Chinese calligraphy with geometric shapes and patterns to form a new spectrum of artworks.
Mark6 was open to the public from Sep. 7th to Dec. 8th, 2017.
Yat Fu Lane
554-560 Queen’s Road West, Shek Tong Tsui, Hong Kong