Cover Photo: Daniel Murray
We are thrilled to announce the HKWALLS annual street art festival is back in 2019. From March 23rd to the 31st, artists from all over the world will descend on Hong Kong to paint alongside talented local artists in the vibrant district of Wan Chai.
By hosting HKWALLS 2019 in Wan Chai this year, HKWALLS is hoping to further diversify the neighbourhood’s cultural and artistic landscape. We are currently looking for exterior walls in the neighbourhood for artists to paint, as well as venues for the HKwalls pop-up exhibition, workshops and events during the week of the festival. Please get in touch at FESTIVAL@HKWALLS.ORG if you can help.
We’ve come a long way since our humble beginnings 5 years ago, and we couldn’t have done it without the artists and tremendous support from all our friends, fans, volunteers, partners and sponsors; your passion drives our own, and we are looking to make this year’s festival an even greater success.
The festival is undoubtedly the highlight of our year, however, HKWALLS hosts and participates in many other events throughout the year. Across all of these events and activities, our mission remains the same: to create opportunities for local and international artists in Hong Kong, to cultivate connections with like-minded artists and organisations, and to make the creative process accessible to all. Below is a brief recap of some of the things we did in 2018.
我們今年在灣仔舉辦藝術節的其中一個目標是為了促進灣仔的藝術發展及多元化。我們也希望更多香港市民接受及了解街頭藝術的好處,明白它是一種合法的藝術形式,也是一種有效的自我表達方式。我們目前正在尋找在灣仔區的大廈外牆給藝術家們繪圖大型壁畫,以及pop-up場地在藝術節期間舉辦展覽,工作坊和其他活動。如果你能提供協助,請聯繫FESTIVAL@HKWALLS.ORG。 透過你們的支持,HKwalls藝術節每年都在增長和進步。如果沒有藝術家和我們所有朋友,粉絲,志願者,合作夥伴和讚助商的大力支持,我們就無法做到。你的激情驅動著我們,我們渴望在今年的藝術節取得更大的成功。 除了每年的藝術節,HKwalls亦有舉辦其他不同類型的活動。我們的目標是為本地和國際藝術家提供更多在香港創作的機會,與志同道合的藝術家和組織建立關係,同時確保創作過程能向公眾展現。以下為我們到目前爲止2018年的活動。
Over the summer HKwalls worked with Japanese artist TA KA to create a three storey mural for Bui O Public School in Lantau as part of our ongoing Arts 4 Action community engagement project. This being our second partnership with Bui O School, the colourful mural is a beautiful representation of Hong Kong’s natural landscape and wildlife, featuring a water buffalo and egret surrounded by local Lantau fauna.
與日本藝術家 TA KA 合作,為大嶼山的杯澳公立學校創作了一幅三層樓高的大型壁畫,壁畫描繪了香港的濕地生態。
Working with Current Projects, HKwalls curated a massive mural, designed and produced by Spanish artist J. Demsky, for Mango TV’s Headquarters in Chang Sha, China. At 1,590 square meters, this mural is the largest we have been a part of so far.
與Current Projects合作策展及統籌, 由西班牙藝術家J. Demsky為中國長沙《芒果TV》總部大樓設計的大型壁畫。這幅壁畫佔1,590平方米,是我們迄今為止製作最大的壁畫。
Working with Write the Future graffiti shop, HKWALLS invited artists XEME and TA KA to paint two large murals at the 2018 Shi Fu Miz music and art festival in Cheung Chau.
與Write the Future塗鴉店合作,HKWALLS邀請藝術家XEME和TA KA在長洲2018年的Shi Fu Miz音樂和藝術節上繪製兩幅大型壁畫。
HKwalls curated a mural for the International Surf Day event hosted by Mavericks HK in Pui-O, Lantau. Inspired by the surf and ocean, artist TA KA aptly painted a whale jumping across a wall made of discarded surfboards.
HKwalls為Mavericks HK舉辦的國際衝浪日活動策劃了一幅壁畫 。受到衝浪和海洋的啟發,藝術家TA KA巧妙地畫了一條鯨魚跳過由廢棄衝浪板製成的牆壁 。 設計充滿衝浪和海洋的氣氛,散發出自由輕鬆的感覺。
We also participated in several talks, forums, and lectures. Speaking to a wide and diverse audience ranging from university students, industry professionals, and press, we addressed a variety of topics including self-motivation, the positive potential of street art, and how to transform one’s inspiration and creativity into tangible results.

Our last event for 2018 was a collaboration with HK Trade and Development Coucil’s Design Inspire. Local artists Bao Ho and Zoie Lam collaborated live at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre for DesignInspire 2018. Images featuring 8 artists from our 2018 festival were also be on display at the convention including the works of Buck Teeth Girls Club, Zoie Lam, Alexis Diaz, Creative Hustlers, Megic, Sheep and Christian Storm.
我們2018年的最後一個活動是與香港貿易發展局的DesignInspire合作。本土藝術家Bao Ho和Zoie Lam在活動中合作現場繪畫壁畫。大會上亦展出來自2018年HKwalls藝術節中8位藝術家的作品,包括Buck Teeth Club,Zoie Lam,Alexis Diaz,Creative Hustlers,Megic,Sheep和Christian Storm的作品,。