HKWALLS Street Art Festival will return for its 10th edition from 22 to 30 March 2025. International and local artists will paint murals across the Central and Western District, as well as display their digital artworks on LED screens all over Hong Kong.

Over the 9-day festival, HKWALLS will host multiple programming opportunities at our festival hub at PMQ and around town, including a new exhibition initiative, HKWALLS ROOMS, that shines a light on other galleries and artists along with the mural artists. The festival will also round off its program with a variety of other events like special screenings, panels, parties, guided tours, and workshops.

HKWALLS 第十屆街頭藝術節將於 2025 年 3 月 22 日至 30 日舉辦。國際和本地藝術家將在中西區創作壁畫,並在全港的 LED 螢幕上展示他們的數位藝術作品。

在為期 9 天的藝術節期間,HKWALLS 將在 PMQ和市區周圍舉辦多項節目,包括一項全新的展覽計劃「HKWALLS ROOMS」。壁畫藝術家們將與各間畫廊和藝術家共同展示作品,期間將透過特別放映會、座談會、派對活動、導賞團和研討會等各種其他活動迎接來賓。

Date: 22 to 30 March, 2025
Festival Hub: G/F Courtyard, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St. Central
Hours: 12:00 to 20:00 Daily

地址:香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ 地下庭院
時間:每日中午 12 點至晚上 8 點




Murals & Street Interventions 壁畫和街道融匯

Once again, we will be transforming the landscape of Central & Western District once more, giving the community a chance to witness different bodies of public art come to life.

This year’s artwork will mostly cluster around Central SoHo, Mid-levels, Sheung Wan, and Sai Ying Pun.

Artwork Locations: TBA



2025 Festival Opening Reception 藝術節開幕派對

We invite you to the opening party of our 2025 festival at the historic PMQ! This opening party is accompanied by an exhibition with this year’s participating artists where you can bring original artworks of the artists you admire from the streets, to your home! Join us for a night of celebrating street art in Hong Kong!

是次我們將於PMQ這個別具歷史意義的地方,舉辦HKWALLS藝術節2025的開幕派對。活動中將會同時展覽今年受邀藝術家的作品, 更有機會把你欣賞的藝術家的原創街頭藝術作品帶回家!我們誠摯邀請你參與這場盛會,一同為香港街頭藝術而慶祝!



HKWALLS ROOMS is a unique collaboration opportunity of artists and galleries participating in a groundbreaking street art focused pop-up exhibition at PMQ, Hong Kong during Art Basel Week 2025. The event features urban and contemporary art in a culturally rich and centrally located venue.

Venue: Units across PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St. Central

HKWALLS ROOMS 是藝術家和畫廊在2025年巴塞爾藝術展週期間,特別在香港 PMQ 舉辦的開創性街頭藝術合作機會。該活動將在文化氣息豐厚的藝術中心,展示現代和傳統藝術。

地點:香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ 單位

Street Art Guided Tours 街頭藝術導賞

Led by our tour partner Wanderlust Walks, participants will explore the previous and new murals of HKWALLS across the Central and Western District. A chance to learn more about the works’ contexts and inspirations, the public walking tours will be available in both Cantonese and English.

Dates: March 29 – 30 (Sat, Sun)
Meetup Point: PMQ Courtyard, 35 Aberdeen St. Central
Tour duration: approx. 90 minutes

在我們的合作伙伴 Wanderlust Walks 的帶領下,參與者將探索HKWALLS 在中西區的新舊壁畫。 公眾導覽將提供粵語和英語服務,讓大眾有機會進一步了解這些作品的背景和靈感。

日期:3月29日,30日 (星期六,日)
集合地點:香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ 地下庭院


2025 WORKSHOPS 工作坊

Straight from the best; our 2025 artist roster, hailing from Hong Kong and all over the world will be holding workshops to teach their daily art practices and techniques. Don’t miss the rare opportunity to learn from them!

在2025年,我們融匯來自香港和世界各地最好的藝術家們舉辦工作坊,他們將毫無保留地教授日常藝術實踐方式和技巧。 千萬不要錯過向他們學習的機會!

View below!

Keep Rollin’ Scarf Printmaking Workshop 油墨掛巾工作坊

“Daydreams are the phantoms projected onto the things we love.”

Hosted by the creatives at What the Land, join us in a printmaking workshop and design your own scarf using classic printmaking techniques. Let your imagination run wild!

Dates 日期:
22/3-23/3 | 29/3-30/3 (Sat, Sun | 星期六,星期日)

Location 地點: PMQ Courtyard, 35 Aberdeen St. Central 中環鴨巴甸街35號元創方地面廣場


Paste-up & Stickers Workshop with Jojo Stickers

Learn about the history of paste-ups and street art with Jojo Stickers (@jojo_stickers) and create your own to bring home in our paste-up workshop!

Dates 日期:
22/3 & 23/3 (Sat, Sun | 星期六,星期日)
12:30 -14:00 | 14:15 – 15:45

Location 地點:
PMQ Courtyard, 35 Aberdeen St. Central


Hip-Hop & Graffiti Workshop 嘻哈與塗鴉工作坊報名

Learn about Hip-Hop, Turntable Scratching & Tagging, offered by HKWALLS and Franks Records!

Dates 日期:
29/3 (Sat 星期六)
Session 1 第一節: 16:00-17:30
Session 2 第二節: 17:30-19:00

Location 地點:
FRANKS RECORDS, 7/F Wyndham St. Central 中環雲咸街79號7樓