“Be Well”
The painting refers to person’s wellbeing, where nature plays important role in nurturing and uplifting positive energy. Circles, bright colours, the bee symbolise unity, emotional and social balance in community.

Riitta Kuisma is a Hong Kong based Finnish visual artist. She has been working in Hong Kong on public, commercial and community mural projects since 2015, being called upon by HAD, district councils, nonprofit organisations and local charities. Her clients also include property developers, hotels, hospitals, local companies and private home owners. Being born and spending her growing years in Finland, Riitta has always been connected to the nature, where she gets her inspiration. Mural painting is her passion, way to interact and connect with people through art making and hoping to spread positive energy in the community. Besides Riitta’s mural creations, her meticulous ink pen drawings about forests animals and imaginative woods illustrate her childhood memories and inner hidden mind.


Riitta Kuisma是一位居港的芬蘭視覺藝術家。 自2015年起,她一直在香港從事公共、商業和社區的壁畫項目,並曾受到民政事務總署、區議會、非營利組織和本地慈善機構的邀請進行壁畫創作。 她的客戶還包括地產商、酒店、醫院、本地公司和業主。在芬蘭出生並成長,她一直與大自然有著密切的聯繫也是她的靈感來源。 壁畫是她的熱情所在也是她與人們互動和聯繫的方式,她希望能透過創作在社區中傳播正能量。 除壁畫創作外,她以細緻的森林動物和富有想像力的森林主題鋼筆畫描繪了她的童年記憶和內心隱藏的心靈。