Hong Kong Walls

Buildings, all over the world, are made from the same elements: walls, doors & windows. But there are always few elements that make every place singular: in this case the walls’ colour, the windows’ shapes, the AC devices and the bamboo scaffolding were the elements that make Hong Kong recognizable for the artist, but all of this is just an excuse to place few mini workers enjoying some free time.


Jaune is a stencil artist and urban interventionist from Brussels, Belgium. His work is based on the paradox between the visible and the invisible, with sanitation workers the main protagonists in his humorous installations and paintings – an idea that was born from his own experience working in the profession.

Despite performing an important public service in garish fluorescent clothing, Jaune observed that he and his colleagues existed in the background of our urban environment, becoming almost invisible to the average person. It was in 2011 that he decided to free these characters from their roles by symbolically placing them in ever more absurd and whimsical scenarios in and around the city streets.

Those who were supposed to keep the world tidy have become harbingers of chaos. At the same time, Jaune encourages us reevaluate our relationship with the individuals represented in his work.

Jaune 是一位來自比利時布魯塞爾的模板藝術家和城市干預主義者。他的作品基於可見與不可見之間的悖論,環衛工人是他詼諧的裝置和繪畫作品中的主角——這個想法源於他自己的個人工作經歷。

儘管環衛工人穿著花哨的螢光服裝執行著一項重要的公共服務,Jaune 觀察到他和他的同事們對普通人來說,幾乎是消失在城市環境的背景中。 2011 年,他決定將環衛工人從城市消失的角色中解放出來,並象徵性地將他們置於城市街道及其周邊更加荒誕和異想天開的場景中。那些本應保持環境整潔的人卻成了混亂的發起人。同時,Jaune 鼓勵我們重新評估我們自身與他作品所代表的人群之間的關係。