Snipe1 spent large part of his teenage years in the U.S., where he was captivated by the NYC graffiti in the early 90s. After returning to Japan, he left his home country again to visit countries around the world and continues to pave an underground career path for himself. Lover of abstract graffiti with several street art monikers, he works with various mediums including painting and music.

Snipe1 在美國度過了他大部分的青少年時期,在那裡他被90年代初的紐約市塗鴉所吸引。回到日本後,他再次離開自己的祖國,到訪世界各國,努力建立自己非主流職業生涯。他喜歡抽象塗鴉,有幾個街頭藝術的綽號,他用各種媒介工作,包括繪畫和音樂。