K11 Art Foundation X HKwalls Panel Discussion
K11 Art Foundation X HKwalls 研討會

City As Studio features some of the most renowned artists who helped shape the global graffiti and street art movements from the start. HKwalls strives to promote the best up-and-coming and active street artists of today. Join us for a discussion with artists and curators of both, and hear first-hand how the movements have grown, how they are evolving, and the panel members’ speculation for the future.
展覽「City As Studio」展示了一衆最初塑造和推動全球塗鴉街頭藝術運動的著名藝術家的作品;而 HKwalls 則致力於推廣當今最優秀及最活躍的街頭藝術家。歡迎大家一同參與是次藝術家與策展人的藝術討論,聽聽這項運動是如何發展,演變以及講者們對未來的願景。
Date: 20th March 2023 (Monday)
Time: 1pm – 2pm
Venue: 6F, Kunsthalle, K11 Art & Cultural Centre, K11 MUSEA
Topic: Past, Present, Future – The Trajectories of Graffiti and Street Art
Speaker: Jeffrey Deitch, Curator of City As Studio; AIKO, Artist; Lee Quiñones, Artist; Jason Dembski, HKwalls Founder; and Lauren YS, Artist
Moderator: Christina Brandt Jensen, Art Curator & Producer
時間:下午1 – 2時
地點:K11 MUSEA 6樓 Kunsthalle K11 Art & Cultural Centre
主題:過去、現在及未來 – 塗鴉和街頭藝術的軌跡
講者:「City As Studio」策展人傑弗里 · 戴奇(Jeffrey Deitch)、參展藝術家: AIKO 及李 · 奎諾尼斯(Lee Quiñones)、HKwalls 創辦人 Jason Dembski、藝術家(HKwalls 嘉賓)Lauren YS
主持人:藝術策展人及製作人克里斯蒂娜 · 布蘭特 · 詹森(Christina Brandt Jensen)