3D Paper Sculpture Workshop

Date: Sunday 31st March, 2019
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location : The Clubhouse
6 Stewart Road, Wan Chai
Free of Charge
* 工作坊已完滿結束 *
時間:14:00 – 16:00
地點:The Clubhouse(灣仔史釗域道6號)
HKwalls is excited to announce another free workshop for this year’s festival. Conducted by Little Chilli Studio, a local multidisciplinary design studio founded in 2018, this fun workshop will teach participants how to make a colourful cat-themed mask sculpture using coloured cardboard. The mask is fully wearable and is also an excellent decoration that will undoubtedly add a vibrant splash of colour to any home’s décor.
Spaces are limited so make sure to sign-up as soon as possible!
HKwall很高興再為大眾公布另一個今年藝術節的免費工作坊。由 Little Chilli Studio, 一個於2018年成立的本地跨媒介設計工作室帶領大家進行有趣體驗,在此教授參加者用彩色紙製作色彩繽紛及以貓為題的面具。面具除了能配戴,更是一個能增添生氣的家居飾品。