Dance with the wind

This painting may express a transcendent beauty, as the bronze leopard and transparent plastic film intertwine, dancing in the river of time. Their fusion presents a mysterious and aesthetic scene, symbolizing the eternal pursuit of human wisdom and creativity. The artwork inspires awe for the past, longing for the future, and a pursuit of timeless beauty.

He has been immersed in street graffiti since 2008. Starting at the age of 10, he ventured into landscape painting, gradually expanding into diverse art education fields such as oil painting, heavy color techniques, and industrial design.In VANCE’s works, transparency is not merely a form but a state of thought and existence. His artistic style draws inspiration from transparency, transcending the illusion of surfaces to reveal the profound essence of things.

Through transparent colors and textures, VANCE’s creations exude a unique sense of purity. Each piece is a profound observation of reality, peeling away external layers to delve into the intrinsic nature of things. Skillfully employing transparent elements, he allows viewers to see the layers and complexities behind the artwork, guiding contemplation of the deeper meanings hidden beneath reality.VANCE’s pursuit of transparency extends beyond the material world, intertwining with the expression of thoughts and emotions. His works often emit an atmosphere of honesty and openness, encouraging viewers to transcend external distractions and confront their true inner feelings.

Through the language of transparency, he breaks the boundaries of traditional art, creating a space that allows viewers to delve into contemplation and perception. His works are not only a profound exploration of the concept of transparency but also a genuine expression of inner emotions and ideas. In his artistic realm, transparency is not just a mode of expression but a journey that enlightens the soul.

VANCE從2008年開始沉浸在塗鴉創作中。從10歲開始涉足風景畫,逐漸到油畫、重彩技法及工業設計等藝術教育領域,在他的作品中,透明性不僅僅是一種形式,更是一種思想和存在的狀態。 他的藝術風格從透明中汲取靈感,超越事物表面的幻象,揭示其本質。

透過透明的色彩和紋理,VANCE的創作散發出獨特的純粹感。 每件作品都是對現實的深刻觀察,通過一層一層地剝除事物的外在,深入探討事物的內在本質。他巧妙地運用透明元素,讓觀者看到藝術作品背後的層次和複雜性,引導人們思考隱藏在現實之下的更深層次的意義。VANCE對透明性的追求超越了物質世界並與他的思想和情感表達互相交織。他的作品常散發出一種誠實和開放的氛圍,鼓勵觀眾超越外在的干擾,面對自己真實的內在感受。

他透過透明的語言,打破了傳統藝術的界限,創造了一個可以讓觀者深入思考和感知的空間。他的作品不僅是對透明概念的深刻探索,也是他內心情感和想法的真實表達。 在他的藝術中,透明不只是一種表達方式,更是啟蒙心靈的旅程。