Reana Bachiller is a Filipina Illustrator based in Hong Kong. In 2020, she graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA major in Illustration. Most of her illustrations are created digitally, but she occasionally likes to dabble with pen or markers when drawing traditionally. She pulls inspiration from the animated TV shows and movies that she grew up with, as well as her own personal experiences. She hopes her artwork highlights the fantasy and kookiness that can be found in mundane reality.

Reana Bachiller 是一位定居香港的菲律賓插畫家。2020 年,她畢業於薩凡納藝術設計學院,主修插畫。她的大部分插圖都是數碼創作,但偶爾也喜歡傳統地以鋼筆或馬克筆繪畫。她的靈感來自伴隨她長大的電視動畫和電影,以及她的個人經歷。她希望作品能夠突出平凡現實中的夢幻和古怪。 近年,Reana 的作品多次在聯合展覽中展出和售賣,包括 2022年Affordable Art Fair、2021年在 PMQ 舉行的 Sanrio x VZOW House of Cuteness,以及2020年在Soho House 舉行的NextGenHK展覽。她目前在一所動畫設計及影片製作公司擔任全職的視覺設計師。