The third edition of HKwalls took place in March of 2016, in the Kowloon neighborhood of Sham Shui Po. 2016’s festival included 40 artists from 17 different countries, and resulted in 40 original works of art all across the neighborhood. In addition to the pieces and murals, HKwalls hosted it’s second edition of the pop-up print exhibition as well as three free film screenings and partnered with the House of Vans to host 42 public workshops throughout the month.
第三屆 HKwalls 於 2016 年 3 月在九龍深水埗舉行。 2016 年的街頭藝術節吸引了來自 17 個不同國家共40 位藝術家,在社區創作了 40 件原創藝術作品。 除了作品和壁畫之外,HKwalls 還舉辦了第二屆快閃印刷展以及三場免費電影放映會,並與 House of Vans 合作在整個三月舉辦了共 42 場工作坊。