Short Film Screenings - 短片放映
We have put together a good selection of urban art and street culture shorts from around the world, especially for you. This is a drop-in screening, films will be shown on a loop throughout the day, so stop by anytime to catch one or three shorts in a single seating!
Date: Mon.-Sun, March 20-26
Time: Please refer to festival timetable
Location: HKwalls Festival Hub, G/F Ovolo Southside, Yip Fat Street entrance

Aqua Regalia / Hong Kong (2017) 5:08
Directed by Dane Dodds
Set amidst the squall of Hong Kong, this project is the third iteration of FAITH XLVII’s ongoing series Aqua Regalia. The explorative video is on of the first videos for FAITH to co-direct, alongside filmmaker Dane Dodds. The previous projects in the series came to fruition as exhibitions in London and New York City.
FAITH’s fascination with abandoned spaces has led her to discover buildings across the world that are saturated with layers of histories and memories; in this case an expansive and desolate five-story apartment block in central Hong Kong, one of the most densely populated cities in the world. The material residue of the former residents were sifted through in search of personal relics and sentimental treasures which formed the building blocks of the installation.
Once-cherished objects, imbued with emotional value by the strangers that used to own them, are aligned with the monumental in this reconstruction process. Treating these discarded remnants in this way allows for a reinterpretation of the mundane as valuable, and everyday, personal narratives as sacred. Ultimately creating these shrines, beg to question one’s invested value in objects and the inherent symbolism in the items that surround our lives.
The short film documents this process as its starting point while FAITH’s own words weave the images of the building with the nuanced interactions outside in the city.
These two disparate realities are interlaced, making them seem like parallel spaces existing within each other – in a sense functioning as a psychological metonym. All of the feelings these ‘spaces’ have witnessed – all the treasured memories and forgotten moments – are collapsed in on each other. While mirroring the past, present and future, the most visceral and subtle elements of being human begin to appear.
Aqua Regalia / Hong Kong (2017) 00:05:08
Aqua Regalia,是FAITH XLVII持續製作中的影片系列,今次把第三站停在香港。這次,FAITH初嘗當導演的滋味,與電影製作人Dane Dodds共同執導,可謂充滿探險精神。之前完成的兩部系列作品——倫敦及紐約,已在當地展出。

Shepard Fairey: Obey This Film (2014) 11:41
By Brett Novak
Commissioned by the Halsey Institute of Charleston, South Carolina, director Brett Novak shot a short film on the infamous street artist behind OBEY: Shepard Fairey. This film gives audience a glimpse of how this skateboarder turned mega famed street star turned out to be.
Shepard Fairey: Obey This Film (2014) 00:11:41
Brett Novak導演
受南卡羅萊納州的Halsey Institute of Charleston之託,導演Brett Novak以街頭藝術家OBEY(真
Shepard Fairey)為主角,拍攝了一齣短片。影片中,觀眾可以看道一位滑板小子,如何成為聲名大噪的街頭明星。

Graffiti Asia (2010) 22.50
Graffiti Invasian 02:20
by the SRK Films
Synopsis: These films are the first to examine the spread of graffiti in Asia, concentrating mainly on Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, as well as the Philippines, China, and Hong Kong.
Interviews with local artists provide an insight into the life of the graffiti artist in countries far removed from graffiti’s origins in the US. They discuss the most popular graffiti locations, the attitudes of each country to the idea of graffiti art, and the network of established and emerging artists across the region.
All material in the film was collected at first hand by the authors, who traveled around Asia photographing pieces, throw-ups, drip tags, and more, as well as interviewing the featured artists.
Graffiti Asia (2010) 00:22.50
Graffiti Invasian 00:02:20
SRK Films製作
影片中的所有內容,都來自SRK Films的第一手資料搜集,製作團隊踏遍亞洲,把各種形式的塗鴉(包括piece、throw-up、drip tag等等),及對藝術家的採訪,記錄在鏡頭之下。

The Mystery of Flying Kicks (2014) 14:12
Directed by Matthew Bate
Murder, sex, drugs, art, politics… sneakers hanging on telephone lines have become a powerful urban symbol, inspiring genesis theories both hilarious and sinister. In an effort to get to the truth once and for all, we asked the people of earth to help us solve this mystery. Using an on-line call out and a phone message bank, this documentary was made entirely from donated photographs, phoned-in theories, video, vlogs, and animation.
The Mystery of Flying Kicks is the result of a unique digital collaboration between the filmmakers and the international public.
The Mystery of Flying Kicks (2014) 00:14:12
Directed by Matthew Bate
是謀殺?是性愛?還是毒品、藝術、政治……?懸掛在電線上的波鞋,成為都市中鮮明的符號,引發了或詼諧或惡意的猜測。為求徹底了解真相,我們請全球公眾幫手,一齊解密。透過網上呼籲及電話留言,公眾向我們致電提出自己的猜測,提供相片、錄影片段、影音網誌、動畫作品等等。The Mystery of Flying Kicks這齣影片,可說是我們通過數碼技術,與全球公眾的特殊合作行動。

RackGaki (2007) 28:25
By Suridh Hassan
Synopsis: Dedicated to Japan’s rackgaki (graffiti) scene, this film illustrates the work of major graffiti artists working in Japan today. It showcases the creativity that lies within this new and relatively unexplored form of contemporary Japanese art. Interviews with the artists, and the authors’ own experiences in documenting the different aspects of this subculture, reveal an art-form at the cutting edge and often at odds with police and civic authorities. An accompanying DVD brings to life the imagery of the book and includes footage of graffiti being created. Set to a soundtrack by some of Japan’s leading Trip-Hop artists, the viewer is fully immersed in the subculture that is Japanese graffiti.
RackGaki (2007) 00:28:25
Suridh Hassan製作
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