Everyone is you pushed out

My dear,

Have you ever thought that everyone is you pushed out? All things in the universe are interconnected, and the external world is merely a reflection of your inner self. Events arise because of you, and people come into life because of you. So no matter what you are currently experiencing, whether it be joy or sorrow, it is ultimately meant to make you realize “who you are.”

Your soul does not lie. From this moment on, live life by feeling from the heart, encounter a better version of yourself.



Wing Mak is a self-taught artist based in Hong Kong. Her art is a visual record of a self-exploring journey through the lens of depression, which mainly varies with human vulnerability in emotional, mental, and spiritual states. As she views art as a therapeutic process that liberates the true self from oppression, the atmosphere in her work often takes on an imaginary state, infused with elements of expressionism. Drawing inspiration from subconscious awareness and meditative experiences, she initially started with the watercolour series. Now, she enjoys exploring different mediums like acrylic and mural painting and hosting meditative workshops to expand her artistic diversity and possibilities as an emerging artist.

Wing Mak is one of the 3 talented young artists that has been selected to participate in the 2024 Spring edition of our HKWALLS Youth Mentorship programme! Under the guidance of mentors ParentsParents (@parentsparents) her six week programme will culminate in her painting a mural at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel (@hkowofficial) during the 2024 HKWALLS Festival on March 23-31. 

Wing Mak 是一位香港的自學藝術家。她透過憂鬱的視角為她的自我探索之旅進行視覺記錄,她的創作隨著人類在情感、心理和精神狀態上的脆弱性而變化。她把藝術視為一種從壓迫中把真實自我解放出來的療癒過程,因此她作品常常呈現出一種虛無飄渺的氛圍,並注入了表現主義的元素。她從水彩系列開始,由潛意識和冥想中汲取靈感。現在,她享受探索丙烯畫和壁畫等不同媒介,並舉辦冥想工作坊,來擴闊她作為新興藝術家的藝術多樣性和可能性。

Wing Mak 是被選中參與 2024春季HKWALLS 師友藝術計劃的三位年輕藝術家之一!在導師 Parents Parents (@parentsparents) 六星期的指導下,他將會在 3 月 23 日至 31 日 2024 HKWALLS 街頭藝術節期間在香港摩天輪 (@hkowofficial) 通過壁畫展示他的學習成果。