Sprout & Cage Home


A child waters a sapling sprouting from the ground, which will one day grow as strong as the tree supporting her hammock.

“Cage home”

A cage home consists of a series of stacked beds, each surrounded by a metal fence to shelter the tenant’s possessions. Each bed or cage house is accessible through a door cut into the mesh. In 2017, around 200,000 people still lived in this type of accommodation.




籠屋由一系列堆疊的床組成,每一張的周圍被金屬柵欄圍繞著,以保護租戶的財產。每張床或籠舍的出入口靠切割攔網而製造出來。 截至2017年,仍有約20萬人在此類環境中居住。

Seth began to express himself on the walls of his city, Paris, in the mid-90s. His preferred terrain, however, was in the 20th district where he became known in the graffiti scene for his specialization of painting characters. During the course of his artistic explorations, Seth developed his distinct painting style, working often with the theme of childhood.

九十年代中期,Seth開始在巴黎的牆壁上表達自己。 第 20 區是他最喜歡的地區,在那裡他因擅長繪畫人物而聞名於塗鴉界。 在Seth的藝術探索過程中,經常以童年為主題,發展了獨有的繪畫風格。