Elucious, created in 2010, is the brainchild of Stephanie Studzinski; And as all art is personal, let us switch narrators to Stephanie: I was born in the 1980’s in Ohio, USA. I was fortunate enough to have the most essential things: books, access to the natural world, few rules, little supervision, and lots of free time. Free to let my thoughts wonder—to lay in the sun and read—to explore the woods and creeks nearby and discover that nature is life. And life is a colorful collection of wondrously interactive organisms of ever evolving design. By spending time with them, I learned to deconstruct and copy the design elements I most admired. However, whenever I begin to reassemble these, I find them unwilling. They insist on transformation. They have something urgent to tell me—tell us. But we need to spend time with them—and let them ruminate within us.

Surrealism is the mode of expression that has chosen me and I’ve found my home in its embrace. The playwright Antonin Artaud said surrealism is a sign of a mind turned in on itself—against itself. This—at its most basic—is to my mind the surrealist painter’s task: to examine life in all its forms and try to corner it—lay it bare before us—stripped of its minutia, or catch it as it stumbles forward out of an  alleyway—drunk and incoherent. I try to make sense of the mumbled words and the shuffling steps—try to discern its will—its direction—and prop it up. All my designs are re(mis)assembled elements of the natural world, offering another way to explore inter(dis)connections and bearing a message in a language beyond words.