Dezio is a French graffiti artist who has been living in China since 2006. He started his graffiti career in Paris in 1994 and in the past 20 years has left his mark all across Europe, Asia, and North America; gaining global recognition for his own distinct style of lettering and approach to graffiti art, and leading him to be featured in numerous different media ( books, magazines, tv shows, graffiti competitions, movies, websites).

Dezio moved to Shanghai in 2007, and is widely regarded as one of the doyen of China’s graffiti scene, earning him the nickname “Lao Du”, influencing local artists from all over China and playing host to many of the big international names that have passed through. This passion for painting has also lead him to collaborate with multiple brands throughout the world, combining his love for painting and the need for each company to express and communicate successfully their image.

Dezio 是一位法國塗鴉藝術家。他從 06 年起生活和工作在上海。 20年前,他在巴黎開始了他的塗鴉人生。從那時起他對塗鴉就充滿了熱愛,每週從不間斷,即使在旅途中也是如此,把他的塗鴉藝術記錄在至少16個國家。這份對繪畫和藝術的熱愛,讓他遇見了很多世界各地的藝術家,同時讓他日臻成熟並找到了自己的特色。

幾年中,他出現在很多各種形式的媒體中:雜誌,書本,演出活動,電影,電視節目,網站,各類藝術展等。從 2001 年他在巴黎第一個藝術展開始,他把對牆面塗鴉的熱情延伸到畫布上。希望能長久保存,並讓更多的觀眾看到他的作品。他的繪畫作品曾在巴黎大皇宮美術館 Grand Palais、巴黎 Artazard 美術館和巴黎 La maison des Metallos 美術館展出。在中國,他還被 ICS 國際頻道等報導。知名收藏家 Alain Dominique Gallizia等也對他非常關注。另外他還出版了一本關於上海莫干山路塗鴉牆的書,記錄了這面牆的變遷。